Subcompensation in Diabetes
From your eyes down to your toes and from your skin inward to your organs, diabetes can cause health problems all over your body. Keeping your blood sugar under control can prevent many of these complications. Some treatments may also reduce their effects, especially if you catch the problems early.
Dieta campione per il diabete di tipo 1
Specific causes of type 2 diabetes have not yet been established. World scientists who conducted research on this topic explain the appearance of the disease by a violation of the sensitivity and number of receptors of cells to insulin: receptors continue to react to insulin, but a decrease in their number reduces the quality of this reaction.
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Pulmonary complications of diabetes mellitus are diagnosed by the history, physical examination, radiography, and laboratory studies. The presence of ketoacidosis and/or uncontrolled hyperglycemia in an individual with diabetes and pneumonia should suggest the possibility of a fungal or mycobacterial infection.
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[Autoantibodies after vaccination against pneumococcal and influenza infections in children and adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus]. [Article in Russian] Kostinov MP, Skochilova TV, Vorob eva VA, Tarasova AA, Korovkina TI, Lukachev IV, Iushkova IIu, Vaneeva.
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The biggest declines in diabetes-related complications have occurred for heart attack and stroke, especially among people aged 75 and older. But, the news isn t all good. During the same time frame that diabetes complications were dropping, the rates of diabetes diagnoses were soaring. In 1990, 6.5 million Americans had diabetes.
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[The use of homeopathy in treating diabetics]. [Article in Russian] Mamchenko GF, Kolesova GP. The rationale of homeopathic treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) with constitutional predisposition is discussed. On the basis of a detailed analysis of one case the author describes the method of homeopathic treatment of diabetes mellitus.
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Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Data Coordinating Center, George Washington University, Biostatistics Center, Bethesda, MD OBJECTIVE The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) was designed to test the glucose hypothesis.
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