Home Glicemia 14 a 16 mmol / l

Glicemia 14 a 16 mmol / l

Conversion Table for Blood Glucose Monitoring People from outside the US may find this table convenient for converting US blood glucose values which are given in mg/dl into values generated by their blood glucose meters, which are generated in mmol/L.

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This can lead to confusion, especially if you overlook the units. Knowing a few values in both systems can help you get used to how they compare. For instance, a blood glucose of 100 mg/dL is 5.5mmol/L, 200mg/dL is 11.1 mmol/L and 300 mg/dL is 16.6 mmol/L.

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Appendix I: Glucose Conversion Between mg/dl and mmol/L This is the fourth edition of this book to include all blood glucose levels in both mg/dl and mmol/L. Parts of the world use one system, and other parts use the other system. This will allow the book to now be used by both. An easy way to make the conversion from mg/dl to mmol/L.
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